I am putting together a wedding frame for my son and daughter-in-law. It’s been sitting on the wall with empty slots waiting to be filled. It seems to take me forever to get the photos from my phone into a frame. I suppose I could link it to at least things…procrastination (ouch!) and how in the world do I figure out these online websites???

Hey, it’s only been two years since the wedding. So compared to a few other things still on my when I get around to it list, I’m doing pretty good. Ha!!!

There are some barriers in life that loom large because they are God-sized tasks. Like healing the sick, comforting the hurting, walking with elderly parents as they decline, and getting a God perspective on regrets and past sins.

These can’t be done without the washing of God’s word that renews our hearts, and allows us to fixate on truth and frames our perspective!!

There are other barriers that loom large only because we either lack the skills or the desire to do them. We would much rather do something else and so that little thing that we put on our list keeps moving down the list. We know it needs to be done, and we may even whine because it’s not done…yet it still sits on the list.

I want you to know that I took the bull by the horns and decided this week I am getting that frame done AND I am going to learn how these online websites work!!!!!

Wahoo!! I did it!!

I learned something new and now a whole world of possibilities lies at my doorstep!!! I can redo my family wall. I can do photo mugs, calendars, books and…and… Let me know if you have any ideas, I’m all ears. Ha!!!!

Remember the thrill we had as kids in learning something new?

Remember the first day you learned to ride a bike, swim or whistle? I remember practicing how to whistle by trying to get the air through my lips just right until it made the perfect sound. Now I can whistle a tune and put my fingers together and whistle so it can be heard clear across an entire field!!!

Are you in the middle of a heavy work week, dealing with sickness and multiple visits to the hospital, is a cloud hanging over your heart…or do you have a list like me of things that you would like to do, but just haven’t gotten around to it because some barrier stands in your way?

Here are a few simple thoughts.

Do something that you’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Clean out that junk drawer, plant a few flowers, read that book or write that letter. If it means learning something new to get it done, do it!!

Take time to relish and reflect on the good things God gives us to enjoy.

Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. I Tim. 6:17

Sing a song. Look at some old photos that bring sweet memories. Do a dance. Refresh your soul in the truths of God’s word and let it wash over you. Give someone a hug or a call…or learn something new.

It will brighten your day!!!
