Camp Fun, Bellyflops & Old Movies

Eyes sparkled with delight as one by one they began to share their stories. Four camp counselors were sitting around our kitchen table sharing stories of God’s work in their lives. It was easy to see their passion for camp ministry and their love for children.

Somehow on the first or second evening, we found ourselves discussing “old movies.”

Anybody ever heard of Gregory Peck? Gary Cooper? Jimmy Stewart?  Judging by the looks on their faces, it was clear that we were either from different planets, or I was speaking a foreign language or “old” doesn’t mean the same thing to them as it does to me.

I just had to share the story of talking with a young person at our church about old movies.

“Oh yeah, I love old movies, too.” He said, mentioning the name of a movie.

“Hmmm,” I paused. “Never heard of that movie. When was it made?”

“Oh, about 2000.”

I burst out laughing. 2000!!! When did that become an old movie?!!!

Sure enough, I looked at the sweet faces sitting around my table and asked, “Anybody born before 2000 or were you all born after 2000?”

We all started laughing. Of course, they were all born after the year 2000.

Is anybody feeling old right now? Ha!!!!!

On Monday night, they were scheduled to have dinner with the family. I thought it might be fun to invite my four youngest grands over to help me cook dinner and give them a warm Keith family welcome.

Ten-year-old, Ishmael, put a dish towel over his arm and in true butler fashion declared “supper is ready!”  The girls giggled with delight as his cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink. Ha!!!

We had barely finished dinner when everyone decided to jump in the pool, clothes ‘n all!! There were cannon ball contests, diving “shows” and a game of chicken. And last, but not least was the infamous bellyflop.

“Bellyflop!! Bellyflop!!” shouted the crowd.

With arms spread out like an eagle and a face of grim determination, splash went the first. And not to be outdone, the littlest of my grands joined in the fun.

We ended the evening dripping wet with giggles and popsicles!!
A memorable time for my grandchildren.

From what I understand, over two hundred children have stormed the doors of our church!! They are hearing about the love of Jesus, having boatloads of fun and being loved by godly counselors.

Isn’t this what we do?

We pass the faith on to the next generation. We link arms together in God’s work. We support and encourage one another along the way!!

And speaking of “old” movies, if you’ve heard of Gary Cooper, Gregory Peck, Kathryn Hepburn, or Jimmy Stewart, give me a shout. I’d love to hear your favorites.
