Friend of God

In our study of Exodus, I have been drawn to the stories of God meeting with Moses.

In the first account, Moses is in the wilderness taking care of sheep and sees a bush on fire that is not being consumed. The Bible tells us that Moses turned aside to look, and when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look “God called to him out of the bush.”

Moses may have gotten up that day thinking, here we go again…another day with the sheep.

But this day was different. A bush is on fire that is not being consumed. As we continue the story, we find out God is in the fiery bush. In fact, throughout the Scriptures God’s presence is often associated with fire.

  • • The LORD descends upon Mount Sinai with fire. Smoke ascends from the mountain like a furnace, and the whole mountain shakes.
  • • For forty years, the LORD’s presence goes before the people of Israel leading the people in the wilderness as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.  
  • • When Solomon had finished building the temple, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the glory of the LORD filled the house.
  • • On the day of Pentecost, the Helper that Jesus promised comes to the disciples as tongues of fire that rests upon EACH of them. This time the fire is not outside of them, but within.

We marvel when God comes to Moses in a fiery bush. How much more incredible that God comes to us and dwells within those who put their trust in Christ. How does one wrap their mind around this?

The very presence of God in me leading, teaching, comforting, and communing with me.

Next, we see God telling Moses to meet Him on a mountain. This happens several times. On one occasion, he and seventy others ate and drank with God on the mountain. Another time, God tells Moses to meet Him in the morning. Moses gets up in the morning, meets with God and stays on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.   

And this is not the only time Moses talks with God.

Before the Tabernacle was built Moses had pitched a tent outside the camp where he would go inside the tent to speak with the LORD. When Moses entered the tent, the pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the entrance of the tent and the people would stand outside their tents and worship God each at their own tent.

Inside the tent, the LORD would speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to a friend.

I’ve been pondering what it means to be a friend of God.

I know if any of my kids or grandchildren called and asked me to come and talk with them. I would be there in a heartbeat. No matter what time. Early morning, late at night, you name it. I’ll be there.

I show up at their basketball games, concerts, and piano recitals. Because I love them, I care about the things they care about!! Some of my favorite moments are driving around White Rock Lake with a cup of coffee and a car packed with kids looking out the window talking about the things we see.

I’ve learned that you can’t force relationships, but you can create space for friendships to deepen.

Sometimes, it’s ho-hum. In fact, a lot of times it’s ho-hum, let’s get the job done.

 We create space for people we love. Friendships take time. I think that’s how it is with God, too.  

We spend time with Him. We show up when He asks us to show up. We care about the things He cares about. We read His word because we want to know His heart and what pleases Him. We want to memorize verses and know the parts, but we also want to grasp the BIG story. The grandest story of all that God has come down from heaven, revealed Himself to us, has come as our Redeemer and wants to be our friend.

So, how about grabbing that cup of coffee and spending time with God