A Cat Story

My sister and I sat in our seats with our mouths wide open. There were tight-rope walkers, trapeze artists flying through the air, and beautiful girls standing on the backs of elephants as they walked around the ring.

It was the Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus.

The star of the show was Gunther Gebel Williams, the famous elephant and tiger tamer with his glittering vest and bright yellow pants dotted with silver sparkles. He even had yellow boots!!!! He was the world’s most famous animal trainer. What made him unique in the industry was not only his performance, but his method of training. Most animal trainers used physical punishment, fear and electric rods to train wild animals. Not Gunther, he used positive reinforcement. He was consistent, repeating tasks over and over again, so the animals knew what to expect. And he showed respect for each animal taking into account their different personalities.

This approach allowed him to establish strong bonds with the animals which led to his incredible performances!!!

Gunther Gebel’s performance was one of my mom’s favorites. She loved animals.

Years later, after my sister and I left home, she got herself a cat. Now mind you, she has had many pets since them. A turtle which she rescued crossing a highway which she later entered into a race. A cocker spaniel and a fish aquarium.  

But today, we’re going to talk about cats.

Whether it was her perfectionism, love of animals, the inspiration of the circus or maybe a combination of them all, my mom trained her cat. Yep, you heard me right!! She took two years to train her cat. The cat was not allowed walk on counters, must come when called, and was to sit and roll over upon command.

She loved her cat and no doubt, used some of the same methods as Gunther. Though I do believe she probably had a spray bottle somewhere. Ha!!!

When she moved to Texas, Eve, her cat was fifteen years old. We weren’t sure if Eve would survive the move. But she did and brought my mom joy for two more years!!!

One day, when my mom called, she no longer came.

My son-in-law helped my mom find Eve and buried her in the backyard.

I knew this would be hard on my mom. Seventeen years is a long time for a pet. I’m sure those of you with pets can relate.

By this time my mom is in her eighties and didn’t think she had the energy to train a new cat.

Within days of Eve’s passing, a gray and white cat appeared on my mom’s doorstep. My mom went inside and grabbed two little bowls filling one with water and the other with cat food which she still had leftover in the pantry.

And do you know what?

This cat came faithfully to my mom’s house EVERY morning and evening. My mom would sit outside on the front porch and the cat would come. She would feed and stroke the cat. Trust was developed and soon the cat was sitting on her lap.

We asked my mom what name she wanted to give the cat.

“Faithful,” she said. “I want to call her Faithful.”

My neighbor who lived across the street also loves animals and always has food out for stray cats. She was baffled. “I tried to win this cat over,” she said, “but no matter what I did, she would not come.”

Faithful chose your mom!!!

Who brought the animals to Noah? Who spoke and told them to come? Who gives the animals their “instincts,” so they know how to build nests and dams, hunt for food and care for their young? Who shows the salmon the way upstream and the way back? Who guides the geese, the ducks and butterflies in their migration? Who shows them the way to go? Job 35:11; Gen. 6:20

It is God who teaches the animals!!

“Ask the animals and let them teach you; and the birds of the heavens and let them tell you. Who among them does not know, that the hand of the LORD has done this. In whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?” Job 12:7, 9-10

“Consider the ravens,” says our LORD, “for they neither sow nor reap; and they have no storehouses or barns; and yet God feeds them; how much more valuable you are than the birds.” Luke 12:24

Yes, God cares for the animals and He cares for us because He is Faithful.
