After the events of this past weekend, wouldn’t it be nice to have peace? Peace between nations. Peace between people. Peace in our relationships. And most importantly, peace with God and peace within.

Our hearts cry out for peace!

As I’ve wrestled with the “whys”, my heart drifts back to God who is a God of peace and who has come to bring peace.

He paid a hefty price to bring us peace and we know that He is working a plan that will result in peace. A sweet sense of satisfaction, contentment, and fellowship with no enmity between us and God, nor anyone else.

The lion will lay down with the lamb.

In the meantime, there is suffering.

I was reading a book the other day on suffering and was struck by a comment that the Christian response to pain and suffering is unique. Our faith not only offers answers, but it also offers a relationship with God who has promised to carry our burdens and to walk with us through the dark valleys.

This is profound.

There are times that answers just don’t cut it, even though they may be good and true. What we want is someone who understands and will walk with us through difficult times.

Years ago, I heard a story of two little girls who were playing on the railroad tracks. They were best of friends and had done everything together. At the sound of an oncoming train, they both began to run, but one little girl got stuck.

She called to her friend, “Please don’t leave me alone.”

Her friend paused for a moment, then ran back. The little girls held on to each other and comforted one another as the train approached. There were no answers. No long soliloquies. Just one friend being there for another.

Yes, there is a time and place for answers, but let’s not forget that sometimes in our darkest moments what we need is a friend.

As the LORD Jesus was preparing for His departure, He gathered His friends together. He told them, that though He was leaving He would never leave them alone. He was sending them a Helper just like Him, who would be with them forever.
This Friend would be a constant companion. One who would come alongside them and dwell within them.

The same Holy Spirit that gave strength to Jesus in the wilderness while being tempted by Satan, who empowered Him to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead is the same Holy Spirit given to us.

He is our Helper and constant Companion who…

- comforts and counsels us. John 14:16; 26
- gives wisdom. Ephesians 1:17
- helps in our weaknesses. Romans 8:26; 2 Corinthians 12:9
- produces fruit in our lives that is pleasing to God. Galatians 5:22-23
- and tenderly reminds us that we are children of God.  Romans 8:16

Praise God that in the midst of the chaos we have the presence of God.

He has also given us peace. Peace that comes from within knowing that we are at peace with God and the promise of peace without when He will one day bring peace to the world. We can live with confidence knowing that God is not overcome by evil but will take the evil works of men and work it for good!!

In the meantime, it is hard. I long for peace and for God to make things right!!

LORD Jesus, comfort us and bring peace. Help us to never forget that in this world of chaos you are still in control. You hold us gently in your hands and you walk with us.
“Christ in you, the hope of glory!!!” Colossians 1:27

May I never forget, God is with me!!! O what a sweet foretaste of what is to come!!!
