In God’s Likeness…Not Willy-Nilly

The kids leaned forward in their chairs. We had been discussing how man is unique out of all of God’s creation. Plants are made after their “kind.” Animals after their “kind” and man after…God’s kind.

Man is created in the image and likeness of God.

This makes us unique. We are not evolved animals!! We are distinct from all of God’s creation in that we alone are made in His likeness.

I love how the Scriptures describe God “getting up close” and forming Adam from the dust of the ground, then breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. How different from the way He created everything else!!

God spoke and there was light.

God spoke and there were the heavens.

God spoke and there were the seas and dry land.

God spoke and the earth sprouted vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind.

God spoke and the heavens were sprinkled with galaxies and stars.

God spoke and the waters were filled with living creatures, and the birds flew above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens. They were created after their kind.

God spoke and the earth brought forth living creatures of the land after their kind.

Then we are told that there was communion within the community of the Godhead. “Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness…” and let them rule over our creation.

Almighty God invites man into His work!!!

The prior week we had discussed the nature of God and the characteristics of God that we share. There is community and love within the Trinity. God feels, He gets angry and experiences joy. He reflects on His work and takes pleasure in it. He is a God of order, just look at the cosmos. And He is a God of beauty. One of the characteristics we enjoyed discussing was how creative is our God.

As creatures made in His image, we too, are creative!!

One by one the students began to share their creative bent. Some love to draw and paint, others like to build with nuts and bolts, and one likes to work with words…putting together thoughts and comics. Everyone has a creative bent because we are made in God’s image.

We have been invited into God’s work and we have been given authority to rule.

It is easy to see that parents rule over a household. The president rules over a nation. But what about kids? What do they rule over??

It is something each of us must learn and it begins in childhood.

I looked at each of them and said, “the first area you must rule over is yourself!!”

For even a child is known by his doings. People are watching and they see. More importantly God sees.

Whatever sphere of responsibility you are given, rule it well. But first start with your own heart. Guard your thoughts. Don’t let your passions, thoughts and appetites run willy-nilly, but make them obedient to what is right and good. They are to reflect the very image of God!!

My own thoughts began to pull me down memory lane. Have I brought my heart, my thoughts, and my body under control? How well do I rule over myself?

Do I reflect the image of God or…

- Do I wallow in self-pity?
- Do I let my moods take over?
- Am I thinking of others or myself when I am out and about in a crowd?
- Am I “too tired” to make that phone call, give a helping hand or even clean my house??
- Do I have to have that Chai-Tea Latte???

Okay, now we’re meddling. Ha!!!!

“Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city.” Proverbs 16:32
