Having the Heart of a King

The phone rang and it was Buckner Children’s Home.  My daughter, her hubby and family of four had been praying for months for these children. They had taken classes on fostering and were ready to receive whatever children God would bring them.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?? Who in their right mind would take on two additional children when you already have four?

But mommy and daddy had prepared their children and themselves to love on whomever God brings into their home.

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been easy. In fact, my daughter says…she knew it was going to be hard. But adds with a smile, "it is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done.” But she is submitting to the chisel…God’s hand in bringing out the beauty of Christ in her life. I watch the children thirteen down to seven hold the babies, give them pappies, change diapers and play with them. God is doing a sanctifying work. Not only in mommy and daddy, but in the children as well... as each member of the family learns to serve others and put their needs aside.

What has been so fun to watch is how their church friends and neighbors have come alongside them in their calling.

There have been meals, bags of clothing and tons of diapers. One neighbor said, “Tell me what you need and don’t prohibit me from receiving a blessing by helping you!!!” Would to God, that we all had that attitude. I love it!!

What if in some crazy way, the light of God from within actually glowed through us?!! And people around us could see the Christ within…loving, serving and ministering to the needs of others. How bright would the light glow and how far?!!

This morning, I grabbed a cup of coffee and began to read Psalm 72.

If you have a moment, grab a cup of coffee and read it with me. This is a prayer of a king asking God to help him rule his people well. He prays for himself and prays for his son. What would be important to a king? Are we given any clues on what matters to God?! I took this psalm and began to pray over it as I read.  

Here are a few thoughts...

- O LORD, help us to walk in your judgments

- May we judge those around us with righteousness

- May our homes and our churches be filled with your peace

- May we speak up for the helpless and the afflicted, and serve the children of the needy

- May we hear the cries of the afflicted, and have compassion on the poor

- May those around us see the light of God within, and may the whole earth be filled with His glory!!!

I cried when I got to the part about serving the children of the needy. Is that not what my daughter and her family are doing?!!! Am I willing to put my own interests aside to serve others?!! Then it dawned on me. Are we not also kings and queens? Will we not one day rule with our LORD Jesus Christ?? Let’s ask the LORD today to open our ears to hear the cries of the needy and to give us wisdom to walk in His ways.

O that the light of Christ within, would shine brightly without!!!!

What about you? What did you see? Maybe you have other Scripture that you pray over yourself, your family and/or your children. I would love to hear from you!

Hugs ’n prayers…Bobbie @ 

