Meeting God at the Bush

I’ve been really pondering this whole scene in Exodus 3. You know, the one where God calls Moses from the bush. I call it a scene because I can picture it in my mind.

Wilderness background with hills and mountains. Sheep lazily munching on green brush in the background scattered like white dots in the wilderness, and an elderly Moses with his staff. What is Moses doing when he hears the call? Maybe he’s looking for a lost sheep, removing sticks and stones from their path or just gazing over the wilderness and wondering where to bring his sheep next?

Of course, we have no clue what he was doing except that he was out with his sheep. Moses was a shepherd, and he was at work.

And that’s when God called.

The Bible tells us that the bush was on fire and yet was not being consumed. How big was the bush? Or better yet, how large was the fire?? What we do know is that God was in that bush. It was a “great sight” and Moses turned to see it.

God’s presence is often associated with fire!!

He led the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He covered Mount Sinai with smoke and descended upon it in fire. After Solomon finished his prayer at the dedication of the temple, fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God appeared as tongues of fire and rested on each of the disciples.

God was in the bush and God called out to Moses.

And that’s not the first time. God called out to Adam and Eve in the garden. He appears to Abraham and wrestles with Jacob. Our God is not a God who is far off, He is a God who is near who desires our companionship!! He calls Abraham His friend, speaks to Moses face to face, and calls us into His own kingdom and glory.

Is it possible that God is still calling to us from the “bush”?