Does anybody think God has a sense of humor? If you have any doubt, just look at some of the creatures He created, including you and me. Ha!!!!!
Our amazing God puts His invisible power, His creativity and sometimes His sense of humor on display through His creation.
As I have been pondering the how-tos, whys and challenges of prayer I was bemoaning the fact that there wasn’t a section in the Bible that you could turn to that would tell you all you need to know about prayer.
But alas, I was ready to dig into the whole of Scripture when I sensed this quiet voice saying, “you know I have given you a model prayer. Why not start there?”
Oh, everyone knows the LORD’s prayer, I thought. Let’s find something else. We can get to that later.
So, I pulled my books on prayer off the shelf and began going through chapter titles. Hmmm…where should I begin? What are some challenges I face when I pray?
I think one of the biggest challenges I face is that I am so prone to forgetfulness. I forget how BIG God is. The bigger my God, the bigger and bolder my prayers!!
Okay, that’s a good start. How can we enlarge our vision of God?
Going back to the Scriptures, always a good place to start. I found at least three things.
Number one, creation. This is something everyone sees. Just look around and notice the things God has made. Then let’s ask yourself, what does this teach me about God?
Look at sunsets and sunrises. How about the majestic mountains, rippling streams and flowers that dot the countryside? What about the endless galaxies seen by the James Webb? Or strategically placed tastebuds, the feel of a soft kitten in your lap or the miracle of a newborn baby?
All of creation points to God’s invisible power!!!
Next, we see God’s power demonstrated in the deliverance of His people from Egypt. He parts the Red Sea and makes the waters stand up like a heap so they can walk on dry land. He leads them through the wilderness, gives them food when they are hungry and water when they are thirsty.
The people of Israel saw this with their own eyes and God said, “Don’t you forget it!”
Lastly, the New Testament focuses on Jesus.
You doubt, God loves you? Look at the cross. You doubt, God’s power? Look at the gospels and Christ’s resurrection from the dead!!! That’s pretty powerful stuff.
As I was pulling my thoughts together, the LORD’s prayer come to mind. Isn’t that exactly how Jesus taught His disciples to begin their prayers? By reminding themselves that they worship and serve a BIG God…
I started laughing. Yes, it is!!
Okay, LORD, I get the message. I will take a closer look at this beautiful prayer that You have given to us. Thank you, for spurring me on
What about you? What helps you in your prayers? I would love to hear your story!!