Hearing the Voice of God

Loving our series in Exodus!! For one thing, Moses is not a young’n and God is not done with him, yet. Wahoo!!! I remember in my younger days loving the stories of David. I mean who doesn’t love a guy who whoops a lion with his bare hands and faces a giant with a sling.

Goliath taunts David by his gods and tells him, he’s going to feed his flesh to the birds of the sky and the beasts of the field.

David doesn’t bat an eye. He is quick to respond. “You come to me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Hosts. Today, the LORD will deliver you into my hands and I will strike you down… that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.”

And David ran quickly into battle.

Who doesn’t love this story?!!!

It is the same David, many years later who cries out to God in his old age and says, “O God, Thou, has taught me from my youth…and when I am old and gray do not forsake me, until I declare thy strength to this generation.”

There is no book, like this Book. And there is no god, like our God!!!

He loves the young and the old, men and women. He loves the children and calls them to come to Him!! He loves the strong and the weak, the gifted and the infirmed.

As C.S. Lewis beautifully states, “there are no mere mortals in our midst.”

As I was reflecting on the burning bush and the call of God to Moses, it has always struck me that it was when Moses turned to look, that God spoke.

Here is this 80-year-old man out in the wilderness pasturing the flock of his father-in-law when the LORD appears in a burning bush. Moses stops what he is doing and turns to look!!

Moses allows God to interrupt his day.

Have you ever noticed that those God-moments often come at the craziest times? Ha!!!

The other day, I decided to clean out my closet and run a couple of bags to the thrift store. It was one thing on my to-do list that I was hoping to quickly scratch off before moving to the next item. I had an extra coat that I was going to drop off when the thought occurred to me that I might find a homeless person or someone along the way that needed one.

So, I shot up a quick prayer.

I did not get far when I noticed four young high school girls walking home from school. One did not have a coat. So, I turned my car around, rolled down the window and shouted, “Hey, it’s cold outside!!!! Where’s your coat?”

She said, she didn’t have one.

I mentioned, “I have an extra coat here. It’s not the coolest, but you are welcome to it if you want it.” I drove into a nearby parking lot and pulled it from the back. She and her friends gathered around my van. A big ol’ smile came across her face. She loved it!!!!

I told the girls I was a g’ma with 16 grandchildren. I asked them if I could give them a hug. So, we all came together and I gave them a BIG (grrr…) Mimi hug and told them how much
God loves them, to be good and stay warm.  

I didn’t fight a giant nor did I see a burning bush, but I do think I heard the voice of God in the midst of a busy day☺

May the LORD help us to keep our eyes and ears open, and when He speaks to stop what we are doing and listen.

I would love to hear YOUR stories. Feel free to shoot me an email.

Hugs ‘n blessings.