After a wonderful Sunday morning service, I got up Monday morning and fixed a cup of coffee with milk, honey, and a bit of cinnamon. I opened my Bible and spread out a couple of books.

It was time to meet God in “the tent”.

When we began our study in Exodus, I focused on meeting God at “the bush.” As I was pondering the bush, it occurred to me that this was a one-time occurrence.  Moses did not depend on this miraculous one-time event to carry him through the next forty years.

He not only met with God on the mountain twice for forty days and forty nights, he continued to meet with God regularly in the Tent of the Meeting/Tabernacle during their journey in the wilderness for forty years!!

Hmmm…I got to thinking how often we may depend on a great worship service or a special encounter with God to carry us for the week, the month, or even for years.

If Moses, who experienced many miraculous encounters with God needed to meet with Him regularly throughout his wilderness wanderings, what does that say to us?

We also need God.  

Not just once a month or once a week. But regularly throughout the week, we need to meet with God throughout our pilgrimage, much like Moses did.

Here are a few thoughts that have helped me in my journey.

 • We can “go to the tent” morning or night. Jesus did both. But we do see God calling Moses to come to the mountain in the morning. (Ex. 8:20; 9:13; 34:2-4) I have found that meeting with God in the morning helps to set my compass for the day.

I am always amazed at how often I need to reset it. Like a map it reminds me where I am going, if I have gotten off course and how to get back on.

• Every day brings its own problems. Meeting with God regularly always gives much needed perspective. My problems always loom larger when I lose sight of God. When I remember who He is and what He has done for me, my problems become miniscule in the backdrop of eternity…and the knowledge of the power and wisdom of God!!

Meeting with God daily gives me much needed perspective.

• Meeting with God is more than making Him my dumping ground. Of course, He cares for me and wants me to give Him my burdens!!!! (I Peter 5:7) But like any good friendship it should be a two-way conversation. No one likes the friend who always dumps but never gives us time to speak.

We like to be heard and so does God.

• Let Him speak through His word. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Pray it back to Him.

Tell Him all your cares and concerns and listen. Ask yourself, what advice or encouragement does His word give to your cares? When He speaks, do what He says and take His truth with you throughout the day.

In other words, our quiet time is not just about having an emotional high and/or therapy session with God…it’s about listening to His word, understanding His will, and doing what He says. (Luke 8:21; Ephesians 5:15-17; James 1:22)

When should we meet with God? Regularly!!  

A good clue for me that it is time to run to the tent is when I start licking wounds, whining, and complaining, or when I am feeling overwhelmed…whether it is my own problems or feeling the weight of the world.

And when I sense my emotions getting out of whack, it is time to go to the Tent!!