For years, I took pride in not being a coffee drinker. Someone offered me a taste as a child, and it was awful. I think adults get a kick out of watching children scrunch up their noses. Who would want to drink that stuff?
I was told, “You have to acquire a taste for it.”
Why would anyone acquire a taste for something that tastes terrible?!
I want you to know that I held on to my principles. I am not acquiring a taste for terrible tasting stuff, period. While everyone else was having coffee, I would politely ask for tea. Besides it made me feel very English… as I do have a bit of the old country in me.
That is, until I turned 60.
The kids were gone and sweet grandbabies were being added to the family. I found myself once again changing diapers, playing peek-a-boo and singing silly songs. A favorite with the grands is…” Where’s my phone, O where’s my phone? Where’s my phone, phone, phone? O where’s my phone?” Nothing like turning a bit of frustration into a song. And yes, we still sing it today for obvious reasons
Of course, while Mimi is singing everyone joins in and one of the grands finds my phone. Who needs Sherlock when you have grandchildren. Ha!!!
Okay, I digress. Back to coffee.
It was time to learn something new. Something different. So, I decided I would learn to drink that terrible tasting stuff called “coffee”. Of course, a good cup of coffee involves a bit of experimenting. Now, I love it!!! It has become an important part of my morning routine.
After making my bed, doing a few odds and ends around the house, I start the coffee.
It is such a simple pleasure!!
I grab my hot cup of coffee, add a bit of honey and vanilla, and top it off with a dollop of milk. Mmmm…there’s just something about holding a hot cup of coffee.
I’ve come to realize that it’s not just the coffee. It’s about finding pleasure in it!! It’s about taking time to be quiet. It’s about taking time to reflect and ponder the day, sorting through wild thoughts and emotions, wrestling them to the ground and aligning them with Truth.
Like my coffee, I sometimes have to deal with bitter tasting stuff. Stuff I would rather ignore and hope just goes away.
What I am learning is that the bitter can become sweet, just like my coffee…
If I add a little honey of God’s word and insight, a dollop of patience, and a willingness to savor the goodness and sweet purposes of God.
Ahhh!! Now, that’s a perfect cup of coffee. How about you? How do you like your coffee??