Did Solomon Play Basketball?!!

“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.” Proverbs 24:16 (NIV)

My daughter walked up the sidewalk with her finger to her mouth. I was about to ask how my g’son’s basketball game went. “Shhh,” she said, “it was a bit disappointing.” Later, I found him curled up on the couch. He looked up at me with watery eyes. I reminded him that first seasons are not usually winning seasons. It takes time and practice for a team to develop their skill and learn how to play together.

I smiled and told him the story of Uncle Luke. The first couple of years he played baseball were…well, let’s just say the team had a lot to learn. Ha!! But after a few years of practice, they became the team to beat and today he has many trophies to show for it.

Skill at anything takes practice, perseverance, and a willingness to try again when we fail!!!

Interestingly, that is exactly what Solomon is getting at in the book of Proverbs. A person who is wise is skillful at living. They practice doing what they know is right and when they fail, they try again. They pay attention to what works and what doesn’t work. And when something isn’t working, they come up with a different plan.

There is no sense in doing the same thing over and over again, if it isn’t working.

I like to imagine Solomon looking outside his palace window when he writes, Wisdom shouts in the street, and lifts her voice in the square, “Look, pay attention and listen!”

Part of growing wise is not only paying attention to our own successes and failures, but looking around us and seeing what works and doesn’t work for others. We can learn from reading newspapers or a magazine, we can delve into history, and we can learn from each other!

The other day, I began to notice how quickly my day got off to a bad start. I asked myself, what triggered it and took note. The next day, I saw it coming and said, “Oh no you don’t…

That didn’t work yesterday, and we are not going there today!!!”

Failure can be our friend. The next time we fail, let’s shout “wahoo!” That’s where we can learn our toughest lessons, IF we get up and try again!!

So, did Solomon play basketball? Not sure. But if he did, I know if he lost the first season, he would try again. He would practice his skills, learn from the winning team, and get up and try again.

May the LORD give us wisdom to see what isn’t working, courage to face our failures, and strength to get up and try again.

In the meantime, let’s encourage one another by shouting, “you can do it!!! I’m with you!!!! And let’s cheer one another on.

Blessings ‘n hugs,