Friendship: A Glimpse of the Love of God

Tom surveyed the faces of those in the crowded courtroom. Then looked over at Injun Joe with arms crossed, confidently eyeing the judge. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had witnessed a murder and the wrong man had now stood accused.

Shaking with fear he could barely get the words out, but soon his strength returned.

“Tom began-hesitatingly at first, but as he warmed to his subject his words flowed more and more easily; in a little while every sound ceased but his own voice; every eye fixed itself upon him…the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale.”

Do you want to know how the story ends? Read Tom Sawyer. Ha!!!

The other day I had gone to Half-Price Bookstore with my granddaughters. One mentioned that she was reading an Agatha Christie novel and the other mentioned that Tom Sawyer was one of her favorite books.

Now mind you they read a plethora of books, but since they mentioned these two, I decided to pick up one of each.  

I love my grandchildren. I want to be their friend. Learn what interests them and share in their world.

This week at Vacation Bible School we’ve been “diving into friendship with God.”

I couldn’t help but remember my first VBS experience at the age of nine. My family had moved into a new neighborhood and I would be attending a new school. I felt lost and lonely. I missed my old friends. Would I be able to make new friends?

Sitting in the pews at VBS, we were handed song sheets.

I read the words.

“What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.
O what peace we often forfeit. O what needless pain we bear.
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”

That was the first time someone told me that God could be my friend.

Here I am many years later and that little nugget of truth is still precious to me. I look back over my life and recall the times God was faithful even when I wasn’t a good friend!!! He took an interest in me. I could come to Him with my tears, even with the weight of the world on His shoulders and I knew He cared.

I want to be a good friend to my family, to my grandchildren and to my friends.

I realize it takes effort.

It may mean watching movies or listening to golf stories with your hubby which may not be our idea of fun. It may mean sitting on the floor with children making neighing sounds with a plastic horse, listening to a friend’s ailments, or rejoicing with a friend over a recent garage sale find.

When we love people, we care about the things they care about.

And that’s how God loves us!!

This is what the apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Philippians.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

What burdens do you carry? What is on your heart?! Tell the LORD. Talk to Him as you would a friend. If I may paraphrase the above, I believe He is saying, what concerns you, concerns Me.

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus!!!!  

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus
Bill Gaither

Oh, what a friend we have in Jesus
Modern arrangement of an old song.

Friendship is a treasure. Earthly friendship gives us a glimpse of what it means to be a friend of God. We are meant to enjoy both!!