Love, Tickles ‘n Kisses

I am sitting here with my cup of coffee reminiscing on life!! Did you know that Laura Ingalls Wilder started writing her story of Little House on the Prairie when she was in her sixties? Maybe after all those years, she began to reflect on her life and the changes she observed. Or maybe it was because her kids were raised, and she finally had some time on her hands. Ha!!

At any rate, I’ve got my cup of coffee. Go ahead and grab yours and let’s visit.

My sweet daughter stopped by with two cups in hand…a Grande cup of coffee and a no water Chai for me. Love it when my kids remember my favorite drink☺

She put her youngest down for his morning nap and is snuggling in the front room with her two-year old looking at a birthday party video on her cell phone. Naomi is singing “Happy Birthday” right along with the video with her head tilted back laughing as pleased as punch with herself. Daughter and granddaughter are enraptured with one another, and love fills the room.

I’m smiling as I watch. What is it about laughter and tickles, hugs and kisses that makes the world go ‘round?

When I visit my girls there are toys on the floor…stuffed animals, books, and lots of colorful cars and trains. What I notice is how I feel when I walk into their homes. It oozes with love!! You can feel it when you walk in. Whether it is a tent, an apartment or a mansion, home is the place where we live, and it’s the space God gives us to have dominion.

Doesn’t He say that He has made us in His image to rule over His creation?

Right smack dab in the beginning of His written revelation, He speaks the world and everything in it into existence. This is a spectacular demonstration of the power of His word. God creates man and woman in His likeness and gives them authority to rule over what He has made.

So, what does that mean for me as a woman?

No doubt the list can go on and on, but I thought I’d start this week with just one thing.

Love…filling our space with love!!

God fills the earth with His love and wants us to fill “our space” with the same kind of love. He tells us in Ephesians to “be imitators of Me and walk in the same love in which I love you.” Same kind of love? What kind of love is that? Hello?!! The kind of love that is sacrificial. Like Jesus who loves us and gave Himself up for us as an offering to God.

Offering…sacrifice…not quite the words I was thinking about.
In other words, filling my space with love is more about how I act than how I feel. Ouch!! Let’s just say a certain someone, whom I will not name, hit on one of my pet peeves. Don’t I have the right to pout, growl and maybe stew…just a bit?! Sometimes, I like to grovel in my self-pity. But I have noticed that the longer I’m in that place, the more damage I do and the harder it is to get out. Maybe that’s why the Scriptures say, deal with your anger quickly and don’t let the sun go down on your wrath. It’s hard!!! But I am so grateful that the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in me, helping me to do the hard things.

God doesn’t just tell us what to do, He models it and leaves an example to follow.

Jesus loves us sacrificially…to the point of death. How can I say, “you don’t know what it’s like to be misunderstood, to be tired, betrayed and hurt?!!”

While hanging on the cross writhing in pain, He cries out, “Father, forgive them…” That’s the kind of love He’s talking about.

Love that washes the dishes with joy. Love that forgives. Love that kisses boo-boos and smiles at the toys on the floor knowing there will be a time when the children will be gone, and these precious moments a memory. Love that let’s go of slight wrongs and knows how to laugh, smile, and give lots of hugs!!!

LORD, this is the day You have given me. Help me to remember the LORD Jesus who loves us sacrificially, who never tires of loving us. Give us grace to fill our homes and our spaces with the love of God!!!