Sitting here with a cup of tea that I’m about to warm up again. Ha!! How many times do I need to warm up and refill my cup?!! Ha!!!

Hmmm…maybe it’s a bit like life:)

Today is GOOD FRIDAY and I am sitting at my desk thinking about what this means. Trying to place myself in the shoes of the disciples some 2,000 years ago. Wondering how they may have felt to have all their hopes dashed? To look at the One who walked on water, healed the sick and cast out demons…the One in whom they had placed all  their hopes, now hanging crucified on a cross.

It just doesn’t make sense. How could this be a part of God’s plan?

Every dream of overthrowing the Romans, replacing them with a Righteous King and ruling by His side has crumbled in the face of His death. We had hopes of every sickness being healed, demons cast into the sea and daily manna at our beck ’n call. Remember the loaves and fishes? Right in front of our eyes, the food multiplied as He broke it and we placed into baskets.

But this, this is not what we expected!!!

Knowing that they would be next, that they, too, would be persecuted…they hid.

At the time, Good Friday felt anything but good.

But in the darkness, in the midst of confusion and sorrow, God was working good!!!!!

The One who is preeminent above all...who created all things visible and invisible, all powers and authorities, thrones, and dominions in whom all things are held together, this is the One who has come to be our Deliverer!! He is the greater Moses!!! He has come to deliver us from the domain of darkness and transfer us into the kingdom of His Beloved Son. God gave His Son a body, so He could become our Passover Lamb.

His death bought our freedom!!!!

For the Scriptures tell us that through faith we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, burial, and resurrection. Our union with Christ assures us that we will be exalted with Him!!!! Look at what the book of Colossians tells us.

This is incredible news!!!

- In Him, our LORD Jesus Christ, the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form.
- In Him, we are made complete. For He is the head of all rule and authority and His salvation for us is complete!!
- In Him, we are spiritually circumcised, and the flesh has no more power over us.
- In Him, our certificate of death has been cancelled and the debt we owe a holy God is paid!!
- In Him, we triumph over the evil one. For the LORD Jesus in whom the fullness of God dwells, has disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public display of them, and we triumph over them through Him!!!

It is easy to be overwhelmed with sorrow. The world is still broken, but we have confidence that in the midst of darkness and confusion, God is working good!!!! Look at what He has accomplished on our behalf. Relish in it!! Live like it!!!  God has come to deliver us and one day we will be exalted and reign with Him. In the meantime, He has given us a foretaste of the glory that is to come!!!
