Pots ‘n Pans, Kitchen Tables & Friendship

It’s the beginning of the year and who doesn’t love beginnings? We can put the past behind us, wipe the slate clean and start all over again.

As a child in the projects of Chicago, we always brought in the New Year banging pots and pans outside our third story kitchen window yelling HAPPY NEW YEAR to whoever might be listening… or awakened by our pots and pans.

It was a tradition.

But before my sister and I could grab those pots and pans, my mom would have us sit down at the kitchen table and write out our resolutions for the new year. It was a good time for reflection. In the grand scheme of life, what is important? How do I fit into this grand scheme? Am I a good person? What is a good person? Am I the kind of person I want to be? If not, what changes need to be made?

We weren’t the only ones who sat down at the table. My mom also made her list.

What stands out most in my mind are not the things that were on the list, but the idea of taking time to evaluate my life. This was not something only my sister and I did, it was something we all did.

We all took time to weigh our lives in the balance!!

On one side of the scale were my deeds, on the other side was a just balance…a moral law within that continually reminded me that I had fallen short. Though it was hard to face my shortcomings, it was good for me. Eventually it prodded and poked me, leading me to the One who bore my sins, clothed me with His righteousness and gives power for godly living!!

Two simple thoughts for the new year. No, let’s make it three.

One, keep in the Word.

The word of God is truth. It tells us what is, both in the visible and invisible realms.  It reveals hearts, lays bare our motives, reminds us of God’s holy standard and yet, a “bruised reed, says our LORD, He does not break!!!”. The Scriptures also give us incredible hope reminding us of the riches of God’s love and the gifts He has made available to us through Jesus Christ our LORD in the here and now and life to come.  

Keeping in God’s word is like sitting at my kitchen table on New Year’s Eve, day-in and day- out taking stock of my life. With the exception of having God’s sweet grace pour over me!!

Two, keep it simple.

Go ahead and make lists. It is good to set goals. But don’t neglect the simplicity of life. God has infused beauty and wisdom into the created order. Do the simple things of loving your spouse. Be better parents and g’parents. Don’t spend more than you earn. Be healthier. Declutter a drawer. Take a walk. Reach out to an old friend and put down the phone.

Simple decisions made daily build momentum and good habits over time… making us better people!

Three, take God on the journey.

The enemies of Jesus noted that He was a friend of tax-collectors and sinners. That is good news for us!!! Matthew 11:19

How I love the picture of Moses going into the Tent of the Meeting while the pillar of cloud descended and stood at the entrance of the tent and the LORD spoke with Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend!! Exodus 33:9-11

Don’t let this be lost on you. Jesus is our friend!! O what a friend we have in Jesus!!

Happy New Year!!
