Grumble, grumble, grumble. A few years ago, I noticed that my mornings were key to my days. I would roll out of bed and some little thing would cause me to grumble. The more I focused on the inconvenience or whatever it was that annoyed me, the more my “sweet” attitude began to grow.  

Give it an inch and it took a mile. I knew I needed to nip those thoughts in the bud!!

So, I set up a cookbook stand on my kitchen counter, opened up a hymnal to one of my favorite songs…and began my mornings with worship.

I sang in the kitchen while I cooked breakfast. I sang while I did the dishes.

Then favorite of all favorites, I would sing in the car with my favorite worship CD. Tears of joy would stream down my face as I brought to mind spiritual truths that would bolster my faith and drag me back to the fold when my heart was tempted to go astray!!!

Music reaches into the soul. When the song is rich in theology and spiritual muscle, says Joni Erickson Tada, it can barge into the soul and shake a hopeful response.

This morning, I opened the book of Psalms and sang with the saints of old.

Is not our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?! Is He not the God of David, Martin Luther, Charles Wesley and John Newton?!! When the Sadducees challenged Jesus on the resurrection, (for they did not believe in the resurrection as the Pharisees did), He reminded them that God is the God of the living and not the dead!!!

When we sing, we join the saints of old singing around the throne. They now see what we do not and know what we still hope for. Oh, what joy!!!

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast.
I will sing; yes, I will sing praises!
Awake, my glory,
Awake, harp and lyre,
I will awaken the dawn!

I will give thanks to Thee,
O LORD, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to Thee among the nations
… Psalm 57:7-10

I will sing in my kitchen and I will sing in the car.
Yes, O LORD, I will carry a song in my heart wherever I go!!!
