My daughter has been reading a book about windows of the soul. A few days ago, we were sitting in the car... sipping on coffee and trying to wrap our minds around the author’s intent. How does looking at a tree become a window of the soul?!! We had this a-ha moment, when we both realized it’s when looking at a tree becomes a window allowing us to see past the tree to something or Someone beyond the tree. You know those times, when we are caught off-guard by the beauty of a sunset, a song, or a poem...

It’s when life itself becomes a window that allows us to see God!!!

Come to think of it, I think that’s what God intended.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:18-20

The Scriptures clearly state that God has made Himself known through His physical creation and the created order!!

This points to at least two things. There is a physical and a spiritual reality; a material and an immaterial world.  Both are real and both are important!!! One we can see and one we cannot see; at least not now. What is important is that while we are enjoying this temporal world, we must also see past it, to what it is intended to point us to.  

The created order…its beauty, wonder and all that is in it, are meant to point us to God!!!

They are windows for the soul.

This also includes disappointment, hard times and suffering.

Look back over your life. What has God taught you?! What windows did God give you through which you saw Him?!

Writing this made me think of an old song by Andre Crouch. Yes, yes, through it all I have learned to trust in Jesus, I have learned to trust in God!!! Below is a link to a 1975 Billy Graham Crusade when Andre played the piano and sang this song.

You might get a kick out of some of the hairdos in the audience. Ha!! Enjoy!!

Through It All Andrae Crouch

Blessings ‘n hugs.
