Keeping the Conversation Going
What!! No food. Whoever heard of a women’s retreat with no food. My daughter had it on her heart to begin the year with a fasting and prayer retreat. My first reaction was…gee, I hope people come.
But she is my daughter and I wanted to support her, so I said, “Sign me up!”
It turns out there were at least thirty women who attended. The time went by so fast I didn’t even get hungry. Which is incredible as I am quite the muncher!! There was prayer, quiet spaces to meet with God, worship, sweet testimonies and lots of coffee.
In one of my small groups, a woman asked what our “word” was for the year. You know, a word that you can rally around, pray over and look for God to teach and encourage you throughout the coming months.
One of the young moms with four young children had selected the word rest. Another chose healing.
I didn’t have a word.
So, I’ve been giving it some thought. It took me a few days, but I’ve come up with a word.
Since we are going through the books of ACTS on Sunday mornings, I was drawn to what the disciples did after the physical presence of Jesus had departed and Jesus ascended to the Father.
“And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42
After thousands of years of preparing the way, God quietly steps into human history as the son of a carpenter. He became one of us. Jesus; fully God and fully man walks and talks with men. He teaches, heals the sick, raises the dead, walks on water, feeds the body and feeds the soul. He doesn’t just talk about love, He lives it…and loves us to the point of death. God accepts His Son’s sacrifice on our behalf and raises Him from the dead.
Then, “poof,” He’s gone.
How do the disciples carry on? How do they handle the overwhelming task that lay ahead of them? How do they keep the conversation with the living Christ going? Through prayer.
• God gives wisdom when we pray
• God delivers and pardons when we pray
• God reveals His plans when we pray
• God gives mercy to help when we pray
• God gives understanding when we pray
• God lightens our burdens and gives peace when we pray
• God gives needed perspective when we pray
• And God can heal when we pray, and the list goes on…
Prayer is a bit of a mystery. Though there are many examples of prayers and conversations with God throughout the Scriptures, there is no book or chapter on how to pray in the Bible other than the LORD’s prayer. It appears God intends for us to read the whole Bible. To gain a better understanding of His will, to become familiar with the prayers of others and to learn from them how to pray.
And last, but not least…there is a learning that comes from doing. Just do it! Start praying.
It hasn’t been easy, but anything worthwhile never is. Why not join me? I’ve decided to set a timer. What works for you? What are your challenges and how have you overcome them? What is God teaching you?
One thing I have noticed is that prayer in the morning helps to keep the conversation going throughout the day.
I’ve also had some interesting encounters…but that is another Coffee Break.